Chicken is one of the most consumed items in restaurants today. It has been shown that out of all the various meats out there, chicken in the number one choice when it comes to patrons in the United States. In 2015 alone, 90.1 pounds of chicken were consumed per capita within the country. Because of this, it is a popular choice everywhere, from fast food to fine dining. Individuals can enjoy it on everything, from salad to pizza.
Chicken Can Spice Up a Salad and Make It Extra Filling
Any salad can be dressed up and given a protein boost simply by adding chicken to it. Many restaurants are able to accommodate individuals, by allowing them to have a healthy twist on their food. This can include the choice to have grilled chicken over breaded. Diners can also rest easy, knowing that they are having a light meal that won?t sit heavy. For individuals that have had a long day of work, or have just gotten done with busy outdoor activities, this can be an ideal choice.
Chicken Can Make an Appealing Side Dish to Any Meal
When ordering food delivery, consider adding a side of drumsticks or chicken wings to an order. Even if the main dish is something else, having a side of chicken can provide a quick snack for later, and can be used as a snack, or to fill up and complete a meal. When used alongside typical picnic fare such as potato salad and rolls, or even more traditional meals that include mashed potatoes and vegetables, chicken can be used in many different settings, for lunch or dinner.
Chicken is an Ideal Choice for Celebrations and Parties
It has been shown that chicken is a favorite food when it comes to letting loose and celebrating. 700 million pounds of chicken are purchased right before Independence Day, making this a classic food for many American families. When catering for a meal, consider having a variety of different chicken cuts, to appeal to party-goers. This can include boneless chicken, as well as parts that include bones, such as thighs and wings. By providing for guests, a fun and successful time can be ensured.
When enjoying chicken at a restaurant or even at home, consider all the options that are available. Many restaurants are capable of providing a variety of chicken cooked to suit any needs. From enjoying it as a full meal to a quick and light snack, chicken is a great option for anyone looking for a healthy meal.