When you are hosting an event, whether it’s a personal one such as a wedding or graduation, or a corporate event, you want to make the best impression you can. When it comes to food and drink, you don’t want to fall short or make a mistake. The best way to do that is by working with a corporate catering company.
Professional catering services can run the gamut from snacks to full dinners. You also can have your food prepared onsite or have it prepared elsewhere and then brought to the site of the reception. This works well for places that don’t have commercial kitchens, such as if you are having the event outdoors or at a private home. The less you have in the way of these kitchen facilities, it will cost you more if you want to have the food prepared onsite. In that case, it can be much cheaper to have the food prepared somewhere else and transported to the site of your event.
If you want to save even more money, have your wedding or event during the day. Any corporate catering company worth its salt can adjust to a daytime event and produce an appropriate menu, whether it’s lunch, brunch or breakfast. Good caterers can do whatever you want.
More and more weddings these days are going with lighter menus. Taco and salsa bars are common, and weddings that start later are offering more of a late-night snack type of menu rather than a full dinner catering menu.
In addition to food, special event catering services may have many other responsibilities. They may be responsible for all the tables, chairs, place settings and table decorations. They also are in charge of all onsite food workers such as cooks, servers and busboys.
You might also put your caterer in charge of doing your cake. While large tiered cakes remain popular, more and more couples are going with smaller cakes and even cupcakes for their guests.
Whatever your event, to get the most high-quality food and the best-quality presentation for your guests it is well worth the expense to go with a professional catering service.